Guidelines for Full Paper

Author Guidelines

The general guidelines for the author(s) to submit their manuscript are given below:

Manuscripts, excluding all references, appendices, tables, and figures, and acknowledgement should not exceed 4000 words in length. Manuscripts must be neatly typed in MS Word, with double line space, 12 point Times New Roman font. Submissions that exceed this limit will receive suggestions to edit the length prior to review.

A full research paper will have the following sections:

■      Title

■      Abstract and Keywords

■      Introduction

■      Method

■      Results (including Figures and Graphs)

■      Discussion

■      Conclusion

■      References

■      Appendices

Title of the Manuscript

The title must be specific enough to describe the focus and contents of the paper and the key variables included in the study. The title shall not exceed 12-15 words. An example - “Effect of Smoking Cessation on Academic Performance".

Abstract: The abstract should be structured and not exceed 250 - 300 words and must include - Background and aim of the study, brief methodology, major findings of the study, the conclusions and implications of the study. 3 to 5 keywords must be provided in a separate line after the abstract.

Introduction: It should be comprehensive and set the context of the research problem of the study. The length may not be more than 1500 words. The introduction must frame the research problem in the context of most relevant literature and identify the research gap. Following this it should include the theoretical and practical implications of the study and end by stating the research problem along with the major questions being explored in the study.

Method: It should include details on the following:

(a) Research design and techniques (b) Participants (c) Sampling procedure (d) Data collection method including instruments used  (the ethical considerations adhered to can be explained here) (e) Methods used for data analysis (Statistical methods for quantitative studies and other methods for qualitative studies)

Results: This section should report the collected data and the data analysis process. It should be clearly presented with complete details to justify the conclusion. All results should be reported. The authors should not hide results which are not congruent with the hypotheses.

Figures, Tables and Graphs: The figures, tables and graphs should be centered and placed at appropriate locations in the document. The formats must be in line with APA format guidelines. Each figure, table and graph must be numbered by roman numerals (Figure 1, Table 1 etc.); a suitable title along with appropriate legend must be present.

Discussion: The aim of this section is the interpretation of the results and their connection with the existing knowledge. It should be elaborative and not more than 1000 words. It should be aligned with the results provided. The proper reason should be mentioned along with detailed justification regarding the approval or rejection of the hypothesis with relevant supporting literature.

Conclusion: It should be brief which should include the major findings of the study in a concise manner and also the implications, limitations, and scope for further research.

References: All the references should be in APA format.

Appendices: The consent form, the tools used and any other relevant research related document should be attached.

Manuscripts must conform to APA 7th edition standard for both referencing, format and style. Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed., 2019). Ensure that all references are accurate and that any references cited in the text also appear in the reference section.

Other format related information:

■    The author details should not be mentioned in the manuscript to maintain anonymity; it is collected in the Google form during registration.

■    Acknowledgement: The acknowledgments of the contributions/support by faculty/students/institution/participants can be stated in the Google form given below and no such details are to be included in the manuscript. Acknowledgments for financial grant support must be cited in this section as well.

■    UK English spelling and grammar is to be used throughout manuscript.

■    The manuscript should be accompanied by a declaration that the article is original and has not been published nor submitted elsewhere for publication.

■    Every accepted article will be copy-edited. The Scientific Selection Committee (SSC) reserves the right to make necessary revisions to the text.

■    Whenever a copyrighted material is used, contributors should accurately reproduce, and obtain permission from the copyright holders, and the same should be acknowledged in the article.

■    Double-blind process is followed and authors are requested to remove any identifying details from the full paper

■    Acceptance of the articles will be based on the recommendation of the review panel.

■    The manuscript should not contain any plagiarized material. Hence, the similarity index should not exceed 10% of the document. If the level is found to be beyond this the paper will be returned to the author until the necessary changes are made. This opportunity will be provided only once, and if the changes are not adequate the paper will be rejected without further review


Manuscript submission date: February 12, 2023


Other Instructions:

●    The manuscripts must adhere to the guidelines mentioned.

●    Based on the recommendations from SSC the authors will receive the communication on selection for oral (YPC) or poster presentation.

●    Results of the manuscript submission (YPC or Poster competition) will be announced by December 1, 2022

●   The winners of YPC will be awarded with a cash price and the Poster competition with certificates.



References for APA 7th edition formatting

Kindly upload the full paper here. The link will closed as of 10am, February 14, 2023. For further queries, contact